Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Me and My Mood Swings

Today I am feeling a bit perplexed. Not an odd thing with me. I am quite upset with my own mood swings. Talked to my sister last night about it. Wanted to keep a check on my extreme mood swings. So let's see how long I'll be able to keep a check on it. I try to strike a balance in many things happening around me. But it's not possible to have a full control over all the thing happening around us. So it would be better to keep a control on our ownself. Atleast our own mind, body and soul ought to be in our control if nothing else! Though it is always easy said than done. There are times, when we try our best and still find things going out of our control. And sometimes we lose control over our own mind, body and soul too. Ahh scary situation. I try to avoid such moments. When I try to strengthen my inner self and end up losing all control over myself. But then we can always try. As I am a firm believer in "keep trying". So one day or another we will be bound to get what we have been starving for. What's more today, sometimes I guess or may be almost all the time, I think over all the serious stuff that may sound boring too. But then, you can afford to sound boring sometimes provided no one else is making you bore! Okay then enough for the day, shall try to write more and keep exploring my own complex head.

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