Friday, February 15, 2008

Music is in my blood

Well when I have nothing to do……I really want to groove into music. When I was a young girl, in my school, I used to be a movie buff and if songs would start interrupting the storyline, as it does happen in Indian Movies, I would get really mad at these songs. But now, ailaaa.. what a change!! Now I am not that much interested in the storyline, as I am in the songs and music.

Well while sitting in the office what I can afford to groove into is 'The Instrumental Music'. But I just love the music, tunes keep roaming in mind 24 X 7. May be I find the music so enchanting that I want to lose myself into it, forget the real hard world; forget the tension and burdensome responsibilities and blah blah blah.

So what else is rocking my work, studies, friends, music, personality development program and my own self !!!


Anonymous said...

In this case you should see the movie "Once" by John Carney, with Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova. It's the movie that has received the Oscar for the best song this year, "Falling Slowly". In fact, it's a great musical. The story is quite common, about an Irish guy that repairs hoovers but sings on the street in his spare time, and a bout a czech immigrant girl that he meets. They start recording together. The music though is absolutely wonderful!! You should see it! Anyway, you can find some cuts on Youtube also:)

Moon said...

Thanks for the suggestion ..will surely watch "Once"..:)..